Selasa, 20 Oktober 2015

Biasakan Tabayun dulu.....

Seringkali kita menerima Informasi tanpa mengecheck kebenarannya kemudian tanpa dosa kita malah menyebarkannya informasi tersebut kepada orang lain puluhan,ratusan bahkan ribuan.
Terkadang informasi tersebut berbentuk ibadah tapi dengan bodohnya kita tidak mau mencari tahu apalagi mengenai dengan hadits eh ternyata dhaif.
"Hai orang-orang yang beriman, jika datang kepadamu orang fasik membawa suatu berita, maka periksalah dengan teliti agar kamu tidak menimpakan suatu musibah kepada suatu kaum tanpa mengetahui keadaannya yang menyebabkan kamu menyesal atas perbuatanmu itu."
 (QS Al-Hujurat 6)
Ayat ini menjelaskan kita harus mencari tahu terlebih dahulu tentang informasi yang kita dapat aalagi sekarang media televisi dan berita memberi informasi palsu terhadap masyarakat.

International Telecommunication Union (ITU;

International Telecommunication Union (ITU; in French: Union internationale des Telecommunications, in Spanish: Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones) is an international organization established to standardize and regulate international radio and telecommunications. ITU was founded as the International Telegraph Union in Paris on May 17, 1865. Its primary purpose include standardization, allocation of radio spectrum, and organizing a series of interconnection agreements between different countries to allow international phone calls. Function for telecommunications is similar to the function of the UPU for the postal service. ITU is a specialized agency of the UN, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, in addition to the main building of the UN campus. ITU consists of three bureaus:

    *Bureau of Telecommunications (ITU-T)
    *Radiokomunikasi Bureau (ITU-R)
    * Development Bureau (ITU-D)

ITU leadership chaired by a secretary general and chairman of the ITU elections held every four years by the national members at the conference plenary. At the 17th plenary meeting held in Antalya Turkey and members of the ITU choose Dr Hamadoun I. Toure of Mali as secretary general.

1. Radio Communication (ITU-R) / Radio communication (ITU-R)Managing the international radio-frequency spectrum and satellite orbit resources is the heart of the work of the ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R). ITU is mandated by its Constitution to allocate spectrum and register frequency assignments, orbital positions and other parameters of satellites, "in order to avoid harmful interference between radio stations of different countries". ITU is mandated by law to allocate spectrum and register frequency assignments, orbital positions and other parameters of satellites, "to prevent harmful interference between radio stations of different countries". The international spectrum management system is therefore based on regulatory procedures for frequency notification, coordination and registration. International spectrum management system is based on regulatory procedures for frequency notification, coordination and registration.Major tasks of ITU-R Also include developing standards for Radiocommunication systems, ensuring the effective use of the radio-frequency spectrum and studies concerning the development of Radiocommunication main systems.Tugas of ITU-R also includes the development of standards for radio communications systems, ensure the effectiveness of the use of radio frequency spectrum and studies concerning the development of radio communication systems.ITU-R further carries out studies for the development of Radiocommunication systems used in disaster mitigation and relief operations and Reviews These can be found within work Programmes of the Radiocommunication Study Groups. ITU-R further conduct research for the development of radio communication systems used in disaster mitigation and relief operations and these can be found in the work program of Radiocommunication Study Group. Aspects of Radiocommunication services associated with disasters include disaster prediction, detection, alerting and disaster relief. Aspects of radiocommunication services associated with disasters include disaster prediction, detection, warning and disaster management. In Certain cases, when the "wired" telecommunication infrastructure is Significantly or completely destroyed following a disaster, Radiocommunication services are the most effective in disaster relief operations. In certain cases, when the "wired" telecommunication infrastructure is significantly or destroyed after the disaster, radiocommunication services are most effective in disaster relief operations. Radiocommunication systems have been expanding at an incredible rate in the last Decades. The ITU Radio Regulations, and par- ticularly its Table of Frequency allocations, have been revised and updated almost regularly in view of the enormous demand for spectrum utilization. ITU Radio Regulations, and especially the Frequency Allocation Table, the company has been revised and updated almost regularly in view of the enormous demand for spectrum utilization. This is critical to keep pace with the rapid expansion of existing systems as well as the spectrum-demanding advanced wireless technologies that are being developed. It is essential to offset the rapid expansion of the existing systems and technology-demanding advanced wireless spectrum that is being developed. The ITU World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC), the which convenes every three to four years, is at the core of the international spectrum management process and constitutes the starting point for national practices. ITU World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC), which is held every three to four years, is the core of the international spectrum management process and is the starting point for national practices. WRC reviews and revises the Radio Regulations, an international treaty establishing the framework for the utilization of radio frequencies and satellite orbits Among ITU member countries, and considers any question of a worldwide character within its competence and related to its agenda. WRC review and revise the Radio Regulations, an international treaty establishes a framework for the use of radio frequencies and satellite orbits among ITU member countries, and considers the question of a worldwide character within its competence and related to its agenda. Equitable access to spectrum and orbital resources is of special concern, given the uneven needs of developed and developing countries. Equitable access to spectrum and orbit resources is of particular concern, given the average needs of developed countries and developing. As a consequence, the principle of a priori planning of spectrum and orbit resources is Considered in conjunction with a series of plans established by Radiocommunication conferences. Consequently, the principle of a priori planning of spectrum and orbit resources is considered in conjunction with a series of plans established by radiocommunication conferences.Through its various activities covering the implementation of Radio Regulations to the establishment of Recommendations and guidelines on the usage of radio systems and spectrum / orbit resources, ITU-R plays a vital role in the global management of radio-frequency spectrum and satellite orbits. Through a variety of activities which include the implementation of the Radio Regulations of the establishment of recommendations and guidelines for the use of radio spectrum resources system and orbit /, ITU-R plays an important role in the global management of radio frequency spectrum and satellite orbits. Reviews These limited natural resources are increasingly in demand from a large and growing number of services such as fixed, mobile, broadcasting, amateur, space research, meteorology, global positioning systems, and environmental monitoring that depend on Radiocommunication to Ensure safety of life on land, at sea and in the skies. Natural resources are increasingly limited to requests from a number of large and growing services such as fixed, mobile, broadcasting, amateur, space research, meteorology, global positioning systems, and environmental monitoring that depend on radiocommunication to ensure safety of life on land, at sea and in the sky.2. Standardization (ITU-T) / Standardization (ITU-T) ITU standards-making efforts are best known - and oldest - activity; known before 1992 as the International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee or CCITT (from its French name "international Consultative Committee Telephonique et télégraphique") ITU standards-making efforts are best known - and oldest - activity. Working in the coalface of the world's fastest changing industry, today's Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) continues to evolve, adopting streamlined working methods and more flexible, collaborative approaches designed to meet the needs of an increasingly complex market.Specialists drawn from industry, public sector and R & D companies around the world meet regularly to discuss the intricate technical specifications that ensure that each piece of communications systems can interoperate seamlessly with the various elements that make up today's complex ICT networks danjasa. For manufacturers, they facilitate access to global markets and allow economies of scale in production and distribution, safe in the knowledge that the system ITU-T-compliant will work anywhere in the world: for purchasers from telcos to multinational companies to ordinary consumers, they provide assurances that equipment will integrate easily with other installed systems. Now there is a general understanding that the nature of the ICT market means you can not go alone. That is why, over the past eight years, ITU-T has adopted a very proactive stance when it comes to working with other standards organizations, from large industry entities to single-technology groups are smaller. As an ICT organization only truly global standardization, ITU has taken a leading role in bringing together senior figures from ICT standards groups worldwide, with the aim to develop cooperation between organizations and avoid duplication of effort. As in the past, when a seismic shift to change the world a simple telegraph to create wireline phone, followed by radio and satellite systems, fiber optic networks, and cellular, ITU-T plays a central and critical role in ushering in this new converged environment. ITU-T coordinates global efforts, promotes technical excellence and impartiality in standards development, and builds the consensus needed to ensure that new technologies and still embrace the whole world.3. Development (ITU-D) / Development (ITU-D)Established to help spread equitable, sustainable and affordable access information and communication technology (ICT). ITU Telecommunication Development Sector (ITU-D) was established to help spread equitable, sustainable and affordable access information and communication technology (ICT) as a tool to stimulate social and economic development more broadly. Held every four years, the World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC) establishes concrete priorities to help achieve this goal. Through a series of regional initiatives together with comprehensive national program, activity at a global level and some of the projects targeted, Sector works with partners in government and industry to mobilize the technical, human resources and finance needed to develop ICT networks and services to connect the unconnected. To that end, we encourage the expansion of global broadband connectivity that is spacious, simple and affordable for all and enables the migration to next-generation networks (NGN). In order to face the challenges posed by the rapid growth of ICT, we are promoting a regulatory and business environment through a variety of tools to enable policy makers and regulators that have resulted in innovation and a more efficient telecommunications markets. We support the deployment of new wireless and mobile technologies through projects that bring access to rural communities and, if necessary, provide disaster relief through emergency telecommunications. We furthermore help create a workforce that ICT-literate through various initiatives of our technical policy and training around the world, paying particular attention to the special needs of young people, women. Acting as a promoter and catalyst for ICT development, ITU-D is involved with government leaders and the international donor community to find the right balance between public and private investment. There is no "one size fits all" strategy to create digital opportunity, and ITU-D assist Member States in elaborating targeted national e-strategies, including in the field of e-government and e-learning. Furthermore, we endeavor to build safety in cyberspace by helping developing countries secure their networks and promote a culture of cybersecurity. In addition, ITU-D offers a much referenced, reliable statistics on trends and developments in the field of ICT and organize study groups on key questions facing governments and industry. ITU-D, policies and strategic direction are determined by governments and shaped by the industries it serves. Sector Development diverse membership includes telecommunication policy-makers and regulators, network operators, equipment manufacturers, hardware and software developers, regional standards development organizations and the financing institutions.4. It Telecom It Telecom ITU TELECOM organizes events such as exhibitions. A permanent General Secretariat, headed by the Secretary General, manages day-to-day work of the Union and the corporate sector. ITU T ELECOM brings together the top names from across the ICT industry as well as ministers and regulators and many more for a major exhibition, a high-level forum and a host of other opportunities. Through all that they offer, the events provide a networking platform for the ICT community in the world to come together, meet, network, featuring the latest technologies, explore the latest trends and get business done. This exhibition is a major component of each ITU T ELECOM events and features the top players from across the ICT industry. Expect to see an exhibition featuring the latest products, services and innovations, from broadband or IP-enabled services to mobile and wireless technologies, next-generation networks, satellites and much more. Companies and technologies on the show floor span the full range of industries. Show Floor also includes the T ELECOM VILLAGE, a quiet environment at the core of the event, designed specifically for business productivity, where companies can base their headquarters selamaacaratersebut guests. Running alongside the exhibition is the Forum, which brings together CEOs on behalf of the industry-including and regulators, government and industry visionaries-to debate and explore the trends shaping the global ICT industry of tomorrow. Forum including the Youth Forum, which brings together the young university students from ITU member countries around the world - for a packed program of discussion and debate to shape the future of ICT in the world. It also includes the Telecommunication Development Symposium, a special convention aimed at improving the capacity of ICT in the most developed and low-income countries anggotaITU. 

EIA (Electronic Industry Alliance)

EIA (Electronic Industry Alliance) is an organization whose members are factory electronics factory in USA.Pada telecommunications, EIA established a Technical Committee TR-30 (1962) for the development of standards interface enhancements of the data terminal equipment (DTE) and data sepertiport computer communications equipment (DCE), such as a modem. Organizations that create standards and supply the components of electronic devices, as well as mechanical, connector, cable, component arrays and assembly, as well as material and supporting devices.
And the difference between the EIA and TIA1. EIA / TIA-568A and EIA / TIA-568B is an international standard cabling with RJ-45 jack and the cable UTP / STP category 3, 5, and 6 (4 twisted pair) used in ethernet technology and PABX. Two standard (A & B) is used for the crossover cable. A tip of the standards, and the other end to the standard B.
2. The order with a standard EIA / TIA-568A (green white, green, white, orange, blue, white, blue, orange, white, brown, brown) and EIA / TIA-568B (white orange, orange, white, green, blue, white, blue , green, white, brown, brown) used for interconnection between hardware and network. The use of another arrangement is allowed, but must meet the criteria in no. 3 and so on. 3. Pin 1 & 2, the ethernet is used as Tx. To avoid interference, there must be a 1 pair (usually white orange - orange or green white - green) to meet the electrical needs of the high-speed protocol-LAN.
4. Pin 3 and 6, the ethernet is used as the Rx. To avoid interference, there must be a 1 pair (usually white orange - orange or green white - green) to meet the electrical needs of the high-speed protocol-LAN.
5. Pin 4 & 5 (in wikipedia referred to as "the central two pins") are used to carry telephone signals (internet not only ethernet) or voice signals in telecommunications standards. Even RJ-11 can be inserted into the RJ-45 port. For this purpose, it should be one pair in the middle (usually blue - blue and white)
6. Pin 7 & 8, typically used for technology Power over Ethernet (PoE), which is to increase the power of the device VOIP, wireless LAN access points, webcams, Ethernet hubs, computers, and other devices that do not allow to provide a separate power supply , In this case of course, pin 7 and 8 must be 1 pair (usually white brown - brown). So in conclusion, the arrangement of another color is allowed, as long as each pair remain differentiated placement by function to support the use of hardware other than a PC in the network.

TIA (Telecommunications Industry Association)

EIA is a synonym or an extension of the Electronic Industries Alliance and a TIA is a synonym or an extension of the Telecommunications Industry Association.

The intent of the meaning of the EIA / TIA is an international standard for telecommunications cabling structure. Cable most often we encountered was kind of UTP, SFTP.
Many consider the EIA / TIA standards only for the type of ethernet cable when the EIA / TIA more global for telecommunications including voice transfer voice (PABX).
For the price UTP cable up to date you can visit oscablenet

For the price UTP cable up to date you can visit oscablenetTIA standards organizations create standards that include private mobile radio (commonly used by security forces both the army and police), antenna towers, satellites, premsis cabling (copper or fiber), a mobile communication system, moble multimedia multicast, healthcare and others. TIA specifies Subnetwork Dependent Converge Protocol (SDNPC) for packages service (GPRS-136). Examples of standards TIA: TIA 568A-B. 568B - 568A
568B is a sequence order of the twisted pair cable, in this case the UTP cable or SFTP.
568B wiring sequence is

1     white-orange, 

2    orange,
3     white-green,
4     blue,
5     white-blue,
6      green,
7     white-brown,
8      brown

As for the order of 568A is:

1     green white
2     green 

3    white orange
4     blue
5     white blue
6     orange
7     white chocolate
8     brown

American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is a private non-profit organization that oversees the development of voluntary consensus standards for products, services, processes, systems, and personnel in the United States. The agency oversees the making, implementation, and use of thousands of norms and guidelines that directly impact businesses in nearly every sector. The agency also coordinates US standards with international standards so that products can be used in the United States around the world. The agencies provide accreditation for the standard developed by representatives of standards development organizations, government agencies, consumer groups, companies, and others. Those standards ensure that the characteristics and performance of products are consistent so that people use the same definitions and terms, and the products are tested in the same manner. ANSI also accredits the organizations that carry out product or personnel certification in accordance with the requirements specified in international standards.
American National Standards Institute was established on October 19, 1918 with the mission to improve global competitiveness for business and the US quality of life by promoting and facilitating voluntary consensus standards and conformity assessment system.
ANSI is the American institution that issued the standard ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) .ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is an international standard in the code letters and symbols such as Hex ASCII and Unicode but more universal, for example, 124 is for character "|". He always used by computers and other communication tools to show the text. ASCII code actually have the composition as much as 8-bit binary number. Starting from 00000000 to 11111111. The total combination produced as much as 256, starting from code 0 to 255 in Decimal number system.SQL is the standard ANSI (American National Standards Institute) programming language for accessing and manipulating databases. SQL statements are used to accept, modify and delete data. SQL work with different database systems include MS Access, DB2, Informix, MS SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, etc.The appropriate use and development, SQL has several versions, but in order to avoid mistakes made by the ANSI standard, they should have the main keywords used in general that (SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT, WHERE, and so on).ANSI C is the standard C language first.

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)

IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) is an organization in charge of technology development problems associated with electrical and electronic engineering.IEEE is a professional organization non-profit composed of many experts in the field of engineering that promotes the development of standards and act as a party that accelerate new technologies in all aspects of industrial and engineering (engineering), which includes telecommunications, computer networks, electricity, aerospace, and electronics. IEEE has more than 415,000 individual members spread in more than 150 countries. Its activities cover several committees standard setters, the publication of the technical standards, as well as holding conferences. IEEE is composed of various experts in the field of engineering that offers a wide range of standards development and act as a party that accelerate new technologies in all aspects of industrial and engineering (engineering), which includes telecommunications, computer networks, electrical, aerospace, and electronics. Its activities cover several committees standard setters, the publication of the technical standards, as well as conferences. IEEE handle a wide range of standards, including the standardization of equipment used for the network. IEEE 802, for example, this category deal with the problem of standardization of LAN (Local Area Network) and MAN (Metropolitan Area Network). Standard IEEE 802 layer involves two layers of the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection), the Physical Layer and Data Link Layer. In practice, the standardization of IEEE data link layer divides into two parts, namely the Logical Link Control (LLC) and Media Access Control (MAC). OSI itself is an organization in charge of the standardization of communication protocols between hosts in the network. IEEE 802 is divided into several categories, according to their respective functions more specific. These categories can be seen in the following table:
Nama Deskripsi IEEE 802.1 Bridging (networking) and Network Management IEEE 802.2 Logical Link Control IEEE 802.3 Ethernet IEEE 802.4 Token Bus IEEE 802.5 Defines the MAC Layer for a Token Ring IEEE 802.6 Metropolitan Area Networks IEEE 802.7 Broadband LAN using Coaxial Cable IEEE 802.8 Fiber Optic TAG IEEE 802.9 Integrated Services LAN IEEE 802.10 Interoperable LAN Security IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN (WLAN) & Mesh (Wi-Fi certification) IEEE 802.12 Demand priority IEEE 802.13 IEEE 802.14 Cable modems IEEE 802.15 Wireless PAN IEEE 802.15.1 Bluetooth certification IEEE 802.15.2 IEEE 802.15 and IEEE 802.11 coexistence IEEE 802.15.3 High-Rate WPAN certification IEEE 802.15.4 Low-Rate certification IEEE 802.15.5 Mesh networking for WPAN IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access (WiMAX certification) IEEE 802.16e (Mobile) Broadband Wireless Access IEEE 802.16.1 Local Multipoint Distribution Service IEEE 802.17 Resilient packet ring IEEE 802.18 Radio Regulatory TAG IEEE 802.19 Coexistence Tag IEEE 802.20 Mobile Broadband Wireless Access IEEE 802.21 Media Independent Handoff IEEE 802.22 Wireless Regional Area Network IEEE 802.23 Emergency Services Working Group

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Nama                           Deskripsi
IEEE 802.1                 Bridging (networking) and Network Management
IEEE 802.2                 Logical Link Control
IEEE 802.3                 Ethernet
 IEEE 802.4                Token Bus
IEEE 802.5                 Defines the MAC Layer for a Token Ring
IEEE 802.6                 Metropolitan Area Networks
IEEE 802.7                 Broadband LAN using Coaxial Cable
IEEE 802.8                 Fiber Optic TAG
IEEE 802.9                 Integrated Services LAN
IEEE 802.10               Interoperable LAN Security
IEEE 802.11               Wireless LAN (WLAN) & Mesh (Wi-Fi certification)
IEEE 802.12                Demand priority
IEEE 802.13
IEEE 802.14                Cable modems
IEEE 802.15               Wireless PAN
IEEE 802.15.1            Bluetooth certification
IEEE 802.15.2             IEEE 802.15 and IEEE 802.11 coexistence
IEEE 802.15.3            High-Rate WPAN certification
IEEE 802.15.4            Low-Rate certification
IEEE 802.15.5            Mesh networking for WPAN
IEEE 802.16               Broadband Wireless Access (WiMAX certification)
IEEE 802.16e            (Mobile) Broadband Wireless Access
IEEE 802.16.1            Local Multipoint Distribution Service
IEEE 802.17               Resilient packet ring
IEEE 802.18               Radio Regulatory TAG
IEEE 802.19               Coexistence Tag
IEEE 802.20               Mobile Broadband Wireless Access
IEEE 802.21               Media Independent Handoff
IEEE 802.22               Wireless Regional Area Network
IEEE 802.23                Emergency Services Working Group
Nama Deskripsi IEEE 802.1 Bridging (networking) and Network Management IEEE 802.2 Logical Link Control IEEE 802.3 Ethernet IEEE 802.4 Token Bus IEEE 802.5 Defines the MAC Layer for a Token Ring IEEE 802.6 Metropolitan Area Networks IEEE 802.7 Broadband LAN using Coaxial Cable IEEE 802.8 Fiber Optic TAG IEEE 802.9 Integrated Services LAN IEEE 802.10 Interoperable LAN Security IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN (WLAN) & Mesh (Wi-Fi certification) IEEE 802.12 Demand priority IEEE 802.13 IEEE 802.14 Cable modems IEEE 802.15 Wireless PAN IEEE 802.15.1 Bluetooth certification IEEE 802.15.2 IEEE 802.15 and IEEE 802.11 coexistence IEEE 802.15.3 High-Rate WPAN certification IEEE 802.15.4 Low-Rate certification IEEE 802.15.5 Mesh networking for WPAN IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access (WiMAX certification) IEEE 802.16e (Mobile) Broadband Wireless Access IEEE 802.16.1 Local Multipoint Distribution Service IEEE 802.17 Resilient packet ring IEEE 802.18 Radio Regulatory TAG IEEE 802.19 Coexistence Tag IEEE 802.20 Mobile Broadband Wireless Access IEEE 802.21 Media Independent Handoff IEEE 802.22 Wireless Regional Area Network IEEE 802.23 Emergency Services Working Group

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Nama Deskripsi IEEE 802.1 Bridging (networking) and Network Management IEEE 802.2 Logical Link Control IEEE 802.3 Ethernet IEEE 802.4 Token Bus IEEE 802.5 Defines the MAC Layer for a Token Ring IEEE 802.6 Metropolitan Area Networks IEEE 802.7 Broadband LAN using Coaxial Cable IEEE 802.8 Fiber Optic TAG IEEE 802.9 Integrated Services LAN IEEE 802.10 Interoperable LAN Security IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN (WLAN) & Mesh (Wi-Fi certification) IEEE 802.12 Demand priority IEEE 802.13 IEEE 802.14 Cable modems IEEE 802.15 Wireless PAN IEEE 802.15.1 Bluetooth certification IEEE 802.15.2 IEEE 802.15 and IEEE 802.11 coexistence IEEE 802.15.3 High-Rate WPAN certification IEEE 802.15.4 Low-Rate certification IEEE 802.15.5 Mesh networking for WPAN IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access (WiMAX certification) IEEE 802.16e (Mobile) Broadband Wireless Access IEEE 802.16.1 Local Multipoint Distribution Service IEEE 802.17 Resilient packet ring IEEE 802.18 Radio Regulatory TAG IEEE 802.19 Coexistence Tag IEEE 802.20 Mobile Broadband Wireless Access IEEE 802.21 Media Independent Handoff IEEE 802.22 Wireless Regional Area Network IEEE 802.23 Emergency Services Working Group

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Senin, 05 Oktober 2015

 Benefits of Data Communication in all fields
There are so many benefits of data communications. Improved quality of life increasingly requires people to perform various activities required to optimize its resources. Information and Communication Technology development is so fast that it does not directly require people to use it in all its activities. Some application of data communication, among others in the company, business, banking, education, and health1. The application of data communications in Company
The application of data communication is widely used by usahawan.Kebutuhan time and cost efficiency led to any businesses feel the need to apply information technology in the work environment. Communication technology application causes a change in work habits. For example the application of Enterprice Resource Planning (ERP). ERP is a software application that includes the company's management system.
2. The application of data communications in Business World
Communication used in the business world to trade electronically or known as E-Commerce. E-Commerce is a trade using the internet communication network.3. Application of Data Communication in Banking
In the banking world Communication is the application of banking transactions via the Internet, known as Internet Banking. Some transactions can be done via Internet Banking, among others, transfer money, check balances, transfer funds, pay bills and account information.4. Application of Data Communication in Education
Learning technologies had been developed seirng the times. In the implementation of learning daily paper Information and Communication Technology is often encountered combination of audio technology / data, video / data, audio / video, and internet. The Internet is a cheap communication tool which allows the interaction between two or more people. Capabilities and characteristics of the internet allows the process of distance learning (E-Learning) is becoming more effective and efficient in order to obtain better results.5. Implementation of Data Communication in Health
System-based smart card (smart card) medical interpreter can be used to determine the history of illness of patients who come to the hospital because the card of the medical interpreter can determine the patient's medical history. The use of robots to assist in the surgery and the use of three-dimensional computer imaging results to show the location of the tumor in the patient's body.
Against Data komuniasi 6.Penerapan social life
The process of using information and communication technology is the basis for emerging and known as the Information Society. Informatics community involved more than just the adoption of information and communication technology in it, but participated in the application of information and communication technologies for the benefit of local communities. Informatics society confronts not only the technology, but also a social idea, known as social capital. Informatics community has also introduced a new dimension to the concept of division of community based cultural capital and social class stratified society.

As an academic, community resources and informatics take participants from a series of backgrounds, including Computer Science, Management, Information and Library Science, Planning, Sociology, Education, Social Policy and Research Rural, Regional and Development.

As a practice, community informatics is of interest to those concerned with the Community Development and Local Economic Development in Developing Countries as well as forward and has a close relationship with those who work in areas such as Community Development, Community Economic Development, Health Informatics Community Based Adult Education and Advanced.

Informatics community is part of the fabric of society in the emerging world and has a role in some fundamental level in a thriving community. Informatics society can be described as the use of information and communication technology for the practice of community, which is defined by the Glen (1993) as a public service delivery, and community action. In particular, public practice is increasingly considered fundamental to social problems because people in a place facing the modern trading world less been the subject of state / nation.

Communication has played a key role in developing and maintaining community kesehjateraan geographically throughout history. Information Society is a recent phenomenon in the modern network society, can be tracked by the proponent of public communication late 1980 until early 1990.From the beginning, the main goal is to use the technology community infrastructure, applications, and information and communication services to empower and preserve the local community social capital (networks, organizations, groups, activities, and values ​​that underlie public life).7. Implementation Of Data Communication Learning in school
We must know that in order to utilize ICT in learning is not as easy as dibayangkan.Perlu several requirements that must be met in order to realize the use of ICT in learning
including:-Adanya Internet access technology for teachers and students, both in the classroom, school, and teacher education institutions,-Adanya Quality materials for teachers and students,-Teacher Need to be productive on the development of ICT.

In addition, to avoid the use of technology that is less useful especially in the case of a negative by students for learning of ICT among students quickly then directs the utilization of ICT in learning is very important that students are preoccupied with the subject of positive exploration in the use TIK.Bentuk fact can be assigned article search , background reading, or delivery assignment (PR) via e-mail and also the ease of Internet access must be created in a controlled environment such as at school or home exceeds the ease of access in public places such as cafes so that the activity on-line students are more controlled.Some use of ICT in learning include:-Presentasi-DemonstrasiVirtual -classBlog now has become a place for everyone like students to munumpahkan all knowledge and day-to-harinya.Dengan wrote in a blog we can:Menulis.Selain -Mengembangakan your creativity in it if your writing is good then we will get a comment out of respect for our writing,-Mempersiapkan Ourselves to compete in the global world demands that we engage in technology, now if we get used to writing in the blog then we will get used to using technology in life.

By e-mail, we can send the task given by the teacher without having to meet langsung.Dan to surf the internet, we will know a lot of things that could be through the Internet as find articles related to subjects in sekolah.Ini all very supportive once the learning process at school.
