Senin, 05 Oktober 2015

 Benefits of Data Communication in all fields
There are so many benefits of data communications. Improved quality of life increasingly requires people to perform various activities required to optimize its resources. Information and Communication Technology development is so fast that it does not directly require people to use it in all its activities. Some application of data communication, among others in the company, business, banking, education, and health1. The application of data communications in Company
The application of data communication is widely used by usahawan.Kebutuhan time and cost efficiency led to any businesses feel the need to apply information technology in the work environment. Communication technology application causes a change in work habits. For example the application of Enterprice Resource Planning (ERP). ERP is a software application that includes the company's management system.
2. The application of data communications in Business World
Communication used in the business world to trade electronically or known as E-Commerce. E-Commerce is a trade using the internet communication network.3. Application of Data Communication in Banking
In the banking world Communication is the application of banking transactions via the Internet, known as Internet Banking. Some transactions can be done via Internet Banking, among others, transfer money, check balances, transfer funds, pay bills and account information.4. Application of Data Communication in Education
Learning technologies had been developed seirng the times. In the implementation of learning daily paper Information and Communication Technology is often encountered combination of audio technology / data, video / data, audio / video, and internet. The Internet is a cheap communication tool which allows the interaction between two or more people. Capabilities and characteristics of the internet allows the process of distance learning (E-Learning) is becoming more effective and efficient in order to obtain better results.5. Implementation of Data Communication in Health
System-based smart card (smart card) medical interpreter can be used to determine the history of illness of patients who come to the hospital because the card of the medical interpreter can determine the patient's medical history. The use of robots to assist in the surgery and the use of three-dimensional computer imaging results to show the location of the tumor in the patient's body.
Against Data komuniasi 6.Penerapan social life
The process of using information and communication technology is the basis for emerging and known as the Information Society. Informatics community involved more than just the adoption of information and communication technology in it, but participated in the application of information and communication technologies for the benefit of local communities. Informatics society confronts not only the technology, but also a social idea, known as social capital. Informatics community has also introduced a new dimension to the concept of division of community based cultural capital and social class stratified society.

As an academic, community resources and informatics take participants from a series of backgrounds, including Computer Science, Management, Information and Library Science, Planning, Sociology, Education, Social Policy and Research Rural, Regional and Development.

As a practice, community informatics is of interest to those concerned with the Community Development and Local Economic Development in Developing Countries as well as forward and has a close relationship with those who work in areas such as Community Development, Community Economic Development, Health Informatics Community Based Adult Education and Advanced.

Informatics community is part of the fabric of society in the emerging world and has a role in some fundamental level in a thriving community. Informatics society can be described as the use of information and communication technology for the practice of community, which is defined by the Glen (1993) as a public service delivery, and community action. In particular, public practice is increasingly considered fundamental to social problems because people in a place facing the modern trading world less been the subject of state / nation.

Communication has played a key role in developing and maintaining community kesehjateraan geographically throughout history. Information Society is a recent phenomenon in the modern network society, can be tracked by the proponent of public communication late 1980 until early 1990.From the beginning, the main goal is to use the technology community infrastructure, applications, and information and communication services to empower and preserve the local community social capital (networks, organizations, groups, activities, and values ​​that underlie public life).7. Implementation Of Data Communication Learning in school
We must know that in order to utilize ICT in learning is not as easy as dibayangkan.Perlu several requirements that must be met in order to realize the use of ICT in learning
including:-Adanya Internet access technology for teachers and students, both in the classroom, school, and teacher education institutions,-Adanya Quality materials for teachers and students,-Teacher Need to be productive on the development of ICT.

In addition, to avoid the use of technology that is less useful especially in the case of a negative by students for learning of ICT among students quickly then directs the utilization of ICT in learning is very important that students are preoccupied with the subject of positive exploration in the use TIK.Bentuk fact can be assigned article search , background reading, or delivery assignment (PR) via e-mail and also the ease of Internet access must be created in a controlled environment such as at school or home exceeds the ease of access in public places such as cafes so that the activity on-line students are more controlled.Some use of ICT in learning include:-Presentasi-DemonstrasiVirtual -classBlog now has become a place for everyone like students to munumpahkan all knowledge and day-to-harinya.Dengan wrote in a blog we can:Menulis.Selain -Mengembangakan your creativity in it if your writing is good then we will get a comment out of respect for our writing,-Mempersiapkan Ourselves to compete in the global world demands that we engage in technology, now if we get used to writing in the blog then we will get used to using technology in life.

By e-mail, we can send the task given by the teacher without having to meet langsung.Dan to surf the internet, we will know a lot of things that could be through the Internet as find articles related to subjects in sekolah.Ini all very supportive once the learning process at school.


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